Display Administration Suite
The best displays are nothing without great content, so Nexus Alpha LPS has worked hard to develop our class leading Display Administration Suite (DAS) to help our clients manage their displays easily and effectively. The DAS provides a range of management tools including:
System Status – Both listed and on a map.
Remote View – Static or streamed video (where appropriate) shown on-screen in the correct format so that, for example, the effects of changes can be seen.
Destination Text Management – Introduction of short forms according to display types so that the location names are suitable for the context.
Calling Pattern Management – Per site and display type.
Audio Pronunciation – Ensuring locations are pronounced correctly by the text-to-speech service.
Media Reel Content – Sophisticated CMS for video-capable HELIOS displays and AERAK units.
Messaging – Per site, per route, per display type etc, including security logins to enable operators to send messages to displays on routes they serve.
It is, quite simply, the most powerful system available for managing the presentation of public transport information. Because Nexus Alpha LPS has developed the DAS in-house, it means we can add additional features you might want. Please contact us for a full demonstration of DAS capabilities.
The connection status of displays can easily be viewed from the DAS dashboard.
Content can be uploaded into the library. Users then construct reels to include content (images and videos) and configured to be shown according to days of the week, dates, times etc. Reels can be set to show on signs according to multiple criteria such as route, group etc.
The DAS allows for the administration of routes and calling patterns. Calling points can optionally be configured per display, allowing for the appropriate level of granularity, depending on how far away the stop is.
A convenient map view shows the location and status of all of the displays, whether they are CHRONOS solar signs of HELIOS mains powered systems. Remote views of the displays are available for all sign types.

Nexus Alpha LPS has been developing class-leading hardware with astonishingly low power demand and minimal compromise for over 10 years. Our goal is to always push the boundaries of what’s possible using the latest technologies whilst always keeping flexibility and accessibility (DDA compliance with the Disability Act) at the heart of what we do. As well as our more traditional LCD based products, we have developed a wider range of highly versatile, ultra low power hardware that has been proven to operate reliably in the harshest of UK conditions – with systems running 24/7 in the North of Scotland using only solar power. With the best British design and engineering, and working with international partners, we focus on only the highest quality offerings so that you can be sure your products will last for many years to come.